Criminal Law

Many of our clients rely on our knowledge and expertise

Every country’s judicial system has unique features that make it an immense challenge, and this is especially true when it comes to the criminal justice system in Brazil. With the vast amount of laws and regulations, white-collar crimes in this country are often very complex and have many moving parts involved before, during, and after every trial.

As allegations of white-collar crimes can put your professional reputation, assets and social status at extreme risk, the Law Office of Aronis Advogados is highly recognized within Brazil’s legal community for having decades of experience in advising, supporting, and defending individual clients and commercial entities under a wide array of white-collar criminal offenses. We have represented clients in the Federal Regional Courts, the State Superior Courts, and all the way through to the Supreme Court of Brazil.

Learning the facts, locating and preserving relevant documents, and presenting the matter logically and persuasively to decision makers can often make the difference between a successful outcome or a prison sentence.We are highly adept in defending white – collar crimes that include:

Knowledge and expertise to analyze their operations and uncover areas that could enable certain types of criminal activity to occur. Our criminal risk compliance audits have become an imperative part of every company’s overall risk management strategy.

In addition to our defense work, we also represent clients who need to prosecute other parties for criminal activities.In this role we work with the police and the prosecuting attorneys to gather and communicate the required information and proof that will substantiate our clients’ claims.

It is not only indispensable to select an attorney who has extensive experience and expertise but to use an attorney with whom you can trust, will listen to you, really understand your story and situation, and effectively communicate with the authorities.The Law Office of Aronis Advogados will always be your compassionate representative along with being an aggressive advocate for you and all of your interests.

  • Phone: +55 11 3045-0084
  • E-mail:
  • Address: Rua Afonso Braz, 579, 12º andar – conj. 125 – Vila Nova Conceição São Paulo-SP-Brasil
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